For over 40 years Lesters have been looking after thousands of contractors


Whatever the sector, industry or pay rate, whether you are a first timer or career contractor, Lesters Accounting will be able to help.

New to contracting?

We can help you decide on whether operating your own business is the right way for you to carry out the work you do.

If the business route is right for you then we can guide you on getting started, giving advice on the type of entity, e.g. Limited company or Sole Trader, helping you structure the business, giving advice on business bank accounts and informing you of the various responsibilities, statutory filing requirements, taxes and other relevant necessities that come with running your own business. We provide back office admin support, accounting and taxation services allowing you the freedom to carry out your contract work whilst still maintaining control over your own finances. Our services are tailored to suit your requirements, so how much freedom and how much support you want is entirely up to you. 

If the business route is not right for you then we can guide you on the other options that are available, i.e. operating under an umbrella company or being paid under CIS / PAYE.

Please call us on +44 (0) 20 8735 6370 for your free consultation.

Already have an accountant or service provider?

Switching accountants is easier than your current accountant will let on, there are recognised professional guidelines that all reputable accountants and service providers follow. Once you have signed up with us and informed your existing provider to terminate their services we will handle the necessary handover, including obtaining your most up to date accounting, tax and payroll documentation to ensure a smooth transition.

Please call us on +44 (0) 20 8735 6370 we will guide you through the process.